Teachers either love or hate Halloween week. And I have to admit, I’m more on the side of the latter. The day of Halloween is fun, but the fact that the whole week is dominated by the thoughts and plans of the Big Day is exhausting for me.
This year I am teaching virtually – which adds a whole different element to the situation! The kids are still just as excited, that’s for sure. Sadly we have the added situation of kids who aren’t allowed to do anything this year due to Covid. Random 5th grade comments include asking each other what they are going to be. And though we aren’t having an official costume day until Friday, more than one class session has been distracted by costume elements!
This year, I am teaching virtually. Our school is departmentalized, so everything is done as a team. My team and I have decided to adjust our schedule so that Friday afternoon we will each host a different activity and the students can choose whichever options they want to do. Suggestions welcome for virtual activities that the 5th graders would enjoy!
What are you doing for Halloween with your class?